The Vagina Appreciation Post
International Women’s Day: that magical 24 hours when brands brag about the womxn in their corporate ladders and the gents (are supposed to) buy chocolates, flowers, and jewelry. You deserve every second of appreciation for the misogyny those of us with vaginas still face, there’s no doubt about that. Today is a day to celebrate women's achievement, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality. Get it, girl! But don’t forget to take some time to appreciate – cue Shania Twain – the Woman In You. Aka, your vagina and all that goes with her.
The more you appreciate your vagina, the more she will appreciate you.
When we think of our vaginas, we tend to do so at times of shame – why does mine look like that? – or crisis – is it supposed to smell like that?! The truth is that our vaginas can do amazing things, take care of themselves (if provided the proper environment), and deliver us both sexual pleasure and children. The more you appreciate your vagina, the more she will appreciate you. Today, and everyday, take some time to thank her for all she does for you.
Here are three ways we appreciate her:
Practice Good Hygiene
Some of the most commonly googled questions about vaginas are:
How do I clean my vagina?
Should I clean my vagina after my period?
Should I clean my vagina after sex?
So let us get one thing straight: anatomically, your vagina is the inner canal that leads to your cervix and uterus (check out this diagram). It is a miraculous organ that uses good bacteria to self-clean because it knows you are too busy working, raising children, and being an awesome friend. Don’t put water or soap inside it, or else you risk bacterial infections and even long-term effects like pelvic inflammatory disease.
However, when you are googling these questions, you may actually be asking “should I clean my vulva?” The vulva refers to your external genitalia, including your labia and clitoris. Gynecologists recommend using only warm water and your hands to tend to this sensitive area. Then, to promote healthy bacteria, add essential oils like witch hazel and coconut oil. We designed our spritz to cover all your bases here, including a sensitive scent to help you transition from harmful fragrances.
To recap, the best way to appreciate your vagina is to let her do her thing.
Love Her For How Nature Made Her
One of the sad statistics in women’s health is how much hate we have for our vaginas, clitorises, and labia. Male partners tell us to shave our pubic hair or get dumped, claiming it is “unhygienic” (the opposite is true). Cultural expectations shame us for labia that don’t look exactly like Barbie’s. Pseudoscience tells us to try harmful practices like vaginal steams in an effort to smell better. If you need any specific statistic, take a look at how labiaplasty – plastic surgery to change the size or look of labia – increased by 39% in 2016 alone.
Beyond feeling ashamed of our own miraculous lady parts, many people with vaginas actually don’t know what theirs looks like. If that is you, now is a great time to learn about your body – and show it some appreciation.
To get started, pull a Charlotte and admire your vagina and vulva in the mirror. One sex therapist even recommends masturbating with the mirror to watch how your body responds in shape, color, and size. Yes, you heard that right, your clitoris gets an erection when you are aroused. Why haven’t you watched that yet?
While you are, ahem, examining yourself, pay attention to what you like and don’t like. The better you understand what your body responds to, the better you can show a partner, which increases both your sex experience and your sex drive. Here are some more explicit instructions, if you need them.
Finally, part of loving your vagina and vulva is understanding your vagina and vulva. Take time to learn about what is or isn’t true about female anatomy. That way, you will be proud of yourself and you will be ready to shut down any haters who try to tell you your body isn’t responding “normally.” Check out these 23 facts to get started.
Set Up a TLC Routine for Success
Now that you know what your vagina is and why she is amazing, set yourself up to appreciate her each and every day. Some ground rules include:
1. Avoid scented soaps when cleaning your vulva. If you can’t quite make the switch to using just warm water, make sure any cleanser you use is free of parabens, fragrances, other no thank-yous, and only boasts vagina-friendly ingredients.
2. Don’t overuse antibiotics, which kill off the bacteria your vagina needs, but do consider products that promote healthy bacteria in your vagina (like witch hazel).
3. Opt for cotton underwear so that sweat doesn’t get stuck between fabric and your vulva (and change out of wet swimsuits rather than sitting around in them). Whatever you do, don’t use talc-based powders, which vastly increase your chances of ovarian cancer. Our spritz is designed to promote healthy bacteria after sweaty periods, without introducing any toxic chemicals to your lady parts.
On top of that, make sure you are comfortable talking to your sexual partner(s) about how to care for your vagina and vulva during sex. These conversations may be awkward, but they are important and can actually lead to more pleasurable encounters. Your ground rules should include:
4. Wear condoms with sexual partners to avoid transfer of bacteria or sexually-transmitted infections.
5. Pee after sex to avoid uterine tract infections. Seriously.
6. If you experience vaginal dryness, introduce lube to the sexual encounter (just be careful about which ingredients it uses).
7. Don’t forget to talk about what makes your vagina happy during sex!
You might also consider setting up a long-term plan for health, including:
1. Scheduling (and keeping) regular appointments with your gynecologist. Not only will they be on the lookout for health concerns, they will be able to answer your questions now that you have done a deep-dive on how your vagina works.
2. Learn what different types of vaginal discharge mean, since it is nature’s way of telling you how your vagina is doing.
3. Start a regimen of Kegel exercises to keep your pelvic floor healthy throughout your life.
You work hard, play hard, and deserve a lot of appreciation. So do your vagina, labia, and clitoris. Make sure you show them some love today, this month, and forever. Whatever you do, remember – your vagina was made exclusively for you, to do with as you wish.