Don’t be shy. Let’s talk about vaginas.

Ladies, your vagina is awesome. They are beautiful, adaptable, self-cleaning, shapeshifting, and uniquely you. Time’s up on the shame and fear around the epic powerhouse that is the vagina. Ever wondered why we tend to struggle with our feelings around our “womanhood”?  #ustoo.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the delicious, soon-to-not-be-taboo topic of what’s between your legs. Beginning with - is your vagina normal? Yes. We don’t need to see it to know that is a pure, juicy fact. Heavy discharge? Normal. Struggle to orgasm? Normal. Strong scent? Normal. Aversion to cunnilingus? Totally normal.  Fear of being seen naked if not “perfectly” (whatever that is) groomed? Yep, still normal. Lascivious expansive labia? Noooorrmmmallll. 


Is your vagina normal?  Yes. We don’t need to see it to know that’s a pure, juicy fact.


Vulvas, Coochies, Conch, Punani, Taco, Pearls, Peaches…come in all shapes and sizes, but some have the idea that theirs somehow doesn’t make the cut. Why is it so difficult to believe that, just like every face, every vagina is unique?  We’re not here to place blame (ahem, porn), as our ideas develop in a myriad of ways (ahem, within a patriarchy, ahem ahem). Deep and personal experiences, all the way to simple silence around the topic of our lady parts will have a hand in how we see ourselves.  

It’s time to take the v-power back, babe, we have a mecca of pleasure and strength in our panties (unless you prefer commando). Let’s create the kind of vagina talk that leaves you energized, and hungry for more.  It starts with being vulnerable with other Keepers of the Precious Vagina. So, stay tuned, and don’t be shy - talk about vaginas.

Pssst…if you’re dealing with actual scary scents, unusually textured discharge, or lasting pain, something is off. You shouldn’t experience any discomfort down there so please speak with your doctor if you do.


Ingredients: The Good, The Bad + The Quick List